Born 1/9/20
Gotcha Day: 3/6/20
Color: Algerian Chocolate

Meet Amore: A Brave Little Hedgehog Fighting Cancer

Amore has always been a curious and active hedgehog, full of life and a spirit for exploration. Over the past few months, our sweet Amore has been facing a tough battle—she has been diagnosed with cancer. Despite this challenging journey, Amore continues to show incredible strength and resilience.

Her Ongoing Care and Progress:

To keep her comfortable and happy, Amore is currently on a special diet. She eats baby food 3-4 times a day on her own, but she's not yet interested in her usual kibble or insects. Her appetite for adventure, however, remains strong! Amore loves to explore her surroundings, and we're committed to making every day as enriching and comfortable for her as possible.

A Story of Hope and Love:

Amore's journey with cancer has been filled with ups and downs, but we are here with her every step of the way, providing the care and love she deserves. We’re continually amazed by her strength and the joy she brings into our lives, even on the toughest days. Every moment with Amore is a reminder of the resilience and spirit these tiny creatures possess.

Supporting Amore:

We’re doing everything we can to ensure Amore's days are filled with comfort, love, and enrichment. Whether it's through her favorite activities or spending quiet moments with her, we cherish every day we have with her. We appreciate all the love and support from our community—it truly means the world to us and to Amore.
