Frequently Asked Questions About Hedgehogs

  • What do hedgehogs eat? Hedgehogs primarily eat a diet of high-quality, protein-rich cat food, supplemented with insects like mealworms and occasional fruits and vegetables.

  • How long do hedgehogs live? Hedgehogs typically live 3 to 5 years in captivity, but with proper care, some can live up to 7 years.

  • Are hedgehogs good pets for beginners? Hedgehogs can be good pets for beginners, but they require specific care, including a warm environment, proper diet, and regular handling.

  • Do hedgehogs need a special habitat? Yes, hedgehogs need a spacious cage with proper ventilation, a hiding place, a wheel for exercise, and a temperature-controlled environment.

  • Are hedgehogs nocturnal? Yes, hedgehogs are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night.

  • Can hedgehogs be litter trained? Some hedgehogs can be litter trained, but it may take time and patience.

  • How often should I clean my hedgehog’s cage? You should spot-clean the cage daily and perform a full cleaning weekly.

  • Do hedgehogs need baths? Hedgehogs don’t need frequent baths, but occasional foot baths or full baths are necessary, especially if they get dirty.

  • Are hedgehogs social animals? Hedgehogs are solitary animals and generally prefer to live alone.

  • How can I bond with my hedgehog? Regular handling, gentle interaction, and offering treats can help you bond with your hedgehog.

  • Will I get pooped on? Yes, it’s possible! Hedgehogs can sometimes go to the bathroom while being handled, especially when they’re young or nervous. It’s a good idea to have a small towel or tissue handy during handling sessions.

    Are hedgehogs good with children? Hedgehogs can be good pets for older, responsible children who understand how to handle them gently. However, because they are delicate and can be easily stressed, they may not be the best choice for very young children.

    Is there a difference between males & females personality/behavior-wise? Generally, there isn’t a significant difference between male and female hedgehogs in terms of personality. Both can be sweet and affectionate or shy and reserved, depending on the individual. It’s more about the hedgehog’s unique personality than their gender.

    Do hedgehogs smell? Hedgehogs are generally not smelly animals if their cages are kept clean. Regular cleaning and proper care can prevent any unpleasant odors.

    Do their spikes come out? Do their spikes hurt? Hedgehog spikes, also known as quills, do not come out like porcupine quills. They can be sharp, especially when the hedgehog is frightened and raises its quills in defense, but with gentle handling, you’ll find they’re not as prickly as they look!

    Where are hedgehogs illegal? Hedgehogs are currently illegal to own in several areas, including:

    • California
    • Georgia
    • Hawaii
    • Pennsylvania
    • The 5 boroughs of New York City
    • Washington, DC

    Additionally, in some states like Maine, you are required to have a permit to own a hedgehog.

    Laws regarding hedgehog ownership can change frequently, so it’s important to check the current regulations in your state or local area before purchasing one to ensure you’re in compliance.